How Much Value Does Solar Add to the Home?

10.4 kW system installed in Flagstaff featuring QCell 400 W modules.

Rooftop Solar makes a lot of sense for homeowners financially and not only as a standalone investment. It also adds great value to the home according to several independent estimates. This is because a buyer of a house with solar will be instantly offsetting their electricity bills, and more and more, homeowners are wanting to … Read more

Now Hiring: Solar Project Developer (Sales)

13.16 kW Rooftop Solar system in Phoenix, Arizona featuring Hanwha QCell 280-watt panels

Are you ready to make a difference in the community and environmentally? Rooftop Solar is hiring a “Project Developer” (sales) position for Flagstaff and Northern Arizona. The project developer will be working directly with homeowners interested in solar to explain the benefits of solar and value of working with Rooftop Solar as a local installer. … Read more

Product Feature: IronRidge Solar Racking

Ironridge Solar racking system in Flagstaff, Arizona

Everyone has concerns when it comes to working on their roofs.  Understandably, one of the most sensitive considerations when choosing to go solar is what work will be done on the roof and what products will secure the system.  With our industry-leading 30-year warranty, Rooftop Solar knows it is important to choose a solar company … Read more

Andrew A. Goes Solar with Tesla Backup

Andrew A. from Flagstaff, AZ, needed a solution for his high electric bills. He was paying between $250 and $350 every month, and he knew that was just too high. What’s worse, this money was going directly to APS with no return on the investment. Like many homeowners, he knew that solar was the solution, but he also wanted a way to control his energy usage. The answer was a Rooftop Solar system paired with two Tesla Powerwalls. Every Rooftop Solar system is different just like everyone’s energy needs, and hybrid systems with battery backup are making sense for more and more homeowners these days.

In Andrew’s case, a solar plus storage system made the most sense because it would allow Andrew to not only generate his own power but also use it when he needs it. Andrew filled out a form online to find a good solar company and found that Rooftop Solar is the clear choice in Arizona. Andrew knew that he could go solar and sell all of his power to APS, but he also knew that he could not then utilize the power in the ways that he wanted to. After setting an appointment with Rooftop Solar, Andrew knew that with Tesla Powerwalls, he would become self-sufficient. 

Rooftop Solar also recommended Q Cells panels for Andrew’s project. Q Cells is one of the top solar panel brands for pairing with battery hybrid systems. This is because they are a leader in complete energy solutions.

These days, when there is a storm, and electricity is lost to some of the homes in Andrew’s area, he knows that he is covered. This has been especially valuable during Flagstaff’s monsoon season. This year saw several big storms, but Andrew did not lose power once. In these cases, Andrew noticed that he received notifications from APS indicating that the power was out, but otherwise would not have noticed.

When Andrew needs to monitor and manage his home energy system, he simply uses his phone. Tesla makes it very easy to choose when to draw from the battery, when to charge the battery, and when to draw from the grid.

Andrew reported that the experience of going solar with Rooftop Solar was 100% positive. The Powerwall is a huge part of this, but it is important that every homeowner explores the exact right custom options for them. Reach out today to explore battery options, as well as all of the other options, and find the exact right solar system for you!


2 Tesla Powerwalls in garage in Flagstaff Arizona


The solar charges the batteries and generates power for use throughout the day. Excess energy is also generated which is then sold back to APS. At night, the home is powered by batteries, and Andrew purchases no energy from APS.

Partnership with Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity Rooftop Solar partnership sign

Rooftop Solar is excited to announce our partnership with Habitat for Humanity and their Starter Home Project. A direct response to Flagstaff’s housing crisis, the home is the first in the program and can be seen on the northwest corner of Butler and O’Leary in Flagstaff.

The Starter Home project is a campaign by Habitat for Humanity to create sustainable, affordable housing. The best part is that Habitat for Humanity has devised a system of homeownership where homeowners receive equity in the home each year they live there. Homeowners will earn $10,000 back each year for 10 years, allowing them to save for their second home.

Rooftop Solar is donating a solar system valued at close to $11,000. It will provide a 130% offset of an average homeowner’s energy use, leaving the new Starter Home’s owner with no electricity bill and possibly a utility credit! Over the guaranteed life of the system, the homeowner will save about $12,500. The energy produced by the system has the carbon-reducing power of planting 1,530 trees!

Rooftop Solar is very proud of our partnership with Habitat for Humanity and of our ability to give back to the Flagstaff community this way. It’s a perfect fit! Watch for the news of many more Starter Home projects in the near future.

System size: 1.74 kW DC

Number of panels: 6

Panel brand and wattage: REC 290

Inverter type: Enphase IQ 7 Plus Microinverters

Features: Online monitoring portal, 30-year warranty covering parts and service


System Value
Energy Offset 130% annually
Energy Harvest 3,122 kWh/year
Annual Consumption 2,410 kWh/year
Financial Impact
Year 1 Savings $437.08
30-Year Savings $12,479.70
15-Year Payback 117%
30-Year Payback 287%
Environmental Impact
Carbon Offset 131,124 pounds of CO2
The equivalent of trees planted 1,530
The equivalent of miles driven 140,490


Rooftop Solar sign in front of Habitat for new Humanity house in Flagtaff Arizona

Rooftop Solar along with other partner signs next to new Habitat for Humanity house

Computer generated aerial view of panels on roof of new Habitat for Humanity house

The Zieglers’ Sustainable Solar Home

Rooftop Solar sign in front of Ziegler solar install.


The Zieglers of Flagstaff, AZ were excited to design a new home in 2016, and they knew they wanted to make it as sustainable as possible. The project included plans to go solar among other upgrades for the home, and they needed a company that would work to create the right system for them. With a lot of work, they achieved their goals and their home was awarded the Silver Award from the Coconino County Sustainable Building Program (CCSBP).

Read on to find out more about how Zieglers and Rooftop Solar designed the right solar solution for their unique home, and learn how the other features of their home work together to maximize environmental performance.

The Zieglers’ main motivation for going solar was to do their part to combat climate change and save money in the long run. They met with a Rooftop Solar specialist and discussed their options for manufacturers of equipment. The system they settled on is just 4.13 kilowatts in size and is comprised of 14 Canadian Solar brand panels and 14 Enphase microinverters. The Enphase microinverters allow them to maximize their efficiency as they convert usable household energy from each individual panel, preventing interruptions. Canadian solar panels are the right fit for this system, and now reliably generate energy for their home.

The system offsets all of the Zieglers’ summer electrical needs and about half of their winter needs. They pay less than $50 in the winter and pay only service fees for the rest of the year! Solar is a very important component but isn’t the only type of energy efficiency being harnessed by the Zieglers to combat climate change. The Silver Award from the CCSBP designates a higher level of environmental building performance, and the home is also SmartSiding FSI certified and CARB II compliant.

The home features spray foam insulation, reflective insulation installed under all of the floor coverings, a recycled crushed asphalt driveway, other material reuse, a hot water recirculation system, a 95% efficient gas furnace for heating, and laminate floors and cabinet finishes. The Zieglers reported that they were pleased with how easily the solar system was installed. Not only are they saving money, but they’re also doing their part to combat climate change!

Over the course of a year, the system offsets the carbon-dioxide equivalent of 7,603 miles driven by an average car or 3,389 pounds of coal burned. Over the course of the warrantied 30 years of the system, it will offset the carbon equivalent of what would be sequestered by 1519 trees.

Rooftop Solar did its part to provide options and considered how unique the Zieglers project was. It is always best to go with a local company that will take the time to provide a custom system, because every solar system is unique, and the value of your investment depends on it. Reach out today to meet with a specialist and learn more about how Rooftop Solar can provide the right system for you!

Happy Jack Lodge & RV Resort Switches to Solar Energy

Located in the beautiful foothills of Central Arizona, Happy Jack Lodge & RV Resort has access to a great amount of sunlight. We worked with Happy Jack Lodge to put that sunlight to work through the installation of a 100,000 Watt solar array.

Federal Solar Tax Credit Extended for 10 Years

solar array in Sedona, AZ

Great news for solar homeowners! The federal solar tax credit has been extended for 10 years as a part of the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law last week. This is huge news as the solar tax credit is a massive part of the solar investment, and it has never been extended for this long. … Read more

Changes to Solar Savings in 2023

APS Deadline graphic

Update: Congress has passed the Inflation Reduction Act, extending the federal solar tax credit for the next 10 years back at the original rate of 30%. This is great news for the solar industry and will even apply to installations already completed this year. Next year, in 2023, there are a couple of changes coming … Read more

Why You Should Pick a Local Solar Company

4.3 kW system in Flagstaff Arizona featuring QCell and Enphase inverters.

When choosing a solar installer, homeowners have several factors to consider. Price is one of the largest factors and must be considered with regard to how your solar investment works. Local companies frequently offer better investments that cost less over the life of the system because of several key factors. Important factors to consider when … Read more

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