Solar Panel Efficiency Continues to Improve

According to Tracking the Sun, an annual report from Berkeley Lab, solar panel technology has seen significant advancements in both efficiency and affordability. The 2023 report highlights that “median residential system sizes reached 7.4 kW in 2023, with most systems ranging from 5-11 kW.” This represents a dramatic rise from 2000, when the median system … Read more

Why Should I Go Solar in the Spring?

4.3 kW system in Flagstaff Arizona featuring QCell and Enphase inverters.

#1: Beat the Summer Rush! Some homeowners put their solar pursuits on hold during the winter months because thinking about solar energy during the coldest, wettest, and cloudiest time of year isn’t the easiest thing. As a result, they don’t start thinking about solar again until longer days return. Every year we see a solar … Read more

A Guide to Enphase Monitoring

Enphase iQ7+ Inverter on system in

Besides solar panels, solar inverters and the monitoring they provide are the most important measuring tool for your solar array. Being able to identify problem areas with your system is an important part of owning a solar home, and will provide the peace of mind needed for this investment. When you sign up with Rooftop … Read more

Not All Warranties are Created Equal

Rooftop Solar system in Sedona, Arizona

As you’ve looked into solar for your home you’ve certainly heard a lot about warranties. One of the great facets of solar is that there are generally very good warranties that come along with such a long-lasting product. That said, there are some very important ideas to keep in mind as you consider differing solar … Read more

Environmental Impacts of Going Solar

Rooftop Solar system on roof in Flagstaff, Arizona

When choosing to go solar, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Along with those amazing financial benefits of a high ROI (return on investment), you are also taking advantage of some great environmental and health benefits. For a lot of consumers, a product’s environmental and overall health impacts can be an important factor in the … Read more

Cleaning Solar Panels

Rooftop solar panels on roof in Flagstaff, Arizona

Solar panel cleaning is one of the first topics to come to mind when any current or future solar owners consider the upkeep and maintenance of the system. It is an important consideration since the efficiency and also payoff of the system depends on the panels’ surfaces ability to absorb photons. Thankfully, the required cleaning … Read more

Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Solar panels on grass field.

  As you begin your research into buying solar panels, you may come across the decision to choose polycrystalline solar panels and monocrystalline solar panels. These are the two major types of solar panels. Breaking down the words, you are able to distinguish the main difference between the two. Mono- meaning one, is a module … Read more

Types of Solar Panels

Solar panels in front of pine trees in Flagstaff, Arizona.

One of the most common considerations for any solar homeowner is what solar panel types are available and which is the best option for you. This question comes up when considering the efficiency, aesthetics, and of course the cost of the system. Generally speaking, there are three different types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and … Read more

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