Cleaning Solar Panels

Rooftop solar panels on roof in Flagstaff, Arizona

Solar panel cleaning is one of the first topics to come to mind when any current or future solar owners consider the upkeep and maintenance of the system. It is an important consideration since the efficiency and also payoff of the system depends on the panels’ surfaces ability to absorb photons. Thankfully, the required cleaning … Read more

Net Metering in San Diego is Under Attack

Rooftop solar panels on roof with palm trees and gold course in background.

NEM or Net Energy Metering is the system by which utility companies are required to pay people back for their solar. It has served as one of the most effective policies to help further the renewable energy market since 1995. It has long ensured homeowners are properly compensated for their contributions to the grid and … Read more

Comfort Inn Hotel Goes Solar

In Spring 2018, Rooftop Solar collaborated with Comfort Inn to develop a solar (photovoltaic) parking canopy tailored to the hotel’s unique energy needs and tax liability.

Peak Sun Hours by State

Rooftop Solar installation in Phoenix, Arizona with Desert in background.

What is a Peak Sun Hour? “Do I get enough sun for solar?” is usually the first thought a homeowner has when wondering if solar will work well for them. The total amount of sun is a big factor, but a more important consideration is something called a ‘peak sun hour’. This metric is often … Read more

Types of Solar Panels

Solar panels in front of pine trees in Flagstaff, Arizona.

One of the most common considerations for any solar homeowner is what solar panel types are available and which is the best option for you. This question comes up when considering the efficiency, aesthetics, and of course the cost of the system. Generally speaking, there are three different types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and … Read more

Flagstaff Collision Center Goes Solar

Commercial Solar installation on the roof of Flagstaff Collision Center

Rooftop Solar partnered with the Flagstaff Collision Center and their construction contractor, WesPac Construction, to harness the power of the sun by installing an 83.2 kW solar array at their new location in East Flagstaff. 

Project Spotlight: San Francisco de Asis Parish and School

SFDA Banner

System Type: Custom Roof Mount; Grid-Tied System Size: 116.82 kW; School and Sanctuary Equipment & Features: – (396) 295 Watt PV Modules – Custom S5 Metal Roofing Hardware – Fronius Symo Inverters Estimated CO2 Reduction: 9,702,182 lbs In the spring of 2018, Rooftop Solar finished construction on the award winning San Francisco De Asis Catholic … Read more

Amicus: The Power of Community

One of the many things that makes us unique is our commitment to not only sustainability, but community. We believe interconnection and cooperation are the driving factors to a healthy and successful society. For these reasons, we have partnered with the solar cooperative Amicus – who’s drive to better serve the environment and make solar … Read more

Section 201 Tariff Update!

The President and Solar have been in the news a lot recently, so you maybe wondering what exactly is going on. Is this the beginning of the end of solar? Is it too late for homeowners looking into solar? Are we all doomed??? Ok, ok… Take a deep breath, we’re all going to be ok. … Read more

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