ACC Votes to Do Away With Solar Grid Access Fee

11.1 kW Rooftop Solar installation in Phoenix, Arizona with Silfab 360 watt modules.

ACC Votes to Do Away With Solar Grid Access Fee As a final result of their most recent rate case this month, the Arizona Corporation Commission has voted to do away with APS’ grid access fee for solar homeowners. The ACC is the governing body that oversees APS’ rates and overall finances. It is estimated … Read more

Environmental Impacts of Going Solar

Rooftop Solar system on roof in Flagstaff, Arizona

When choosing to go solar, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Along with those amazing financial benefits of a high ROI (return on investment), you are also taking advantage of some great environmental and health benefits. For a lot of consumers, a product’s environmental and overall health impacts can be an important factor in the … Read more

Cleaning Solar Panels

Rooftop solar panels on roof in Flagstaff, Arizona

Solar panel cleaning is one of the first topics to come to mind when any current or future solar owners consider the upkeep and maintenance of the system. It is an important consideration since the efficiency and also payoff of the system depends on the panels’ surfaces ability to absorb photons. Thankfully, the required cleaning … Read more

Comfort Inn Hotel Goes Solar

In Spring 2018, Rooftop Solar collaborated with Comfort Inn to develop a solar (photovoltaic) parking canopy tailored to the hotel’s unique energy needs and tax liability.

Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Solar panels on grass field.

  As you begin your research into buying solar panels, you may come across the decision to choose polycrystalline solar panels and monocrystalline solar panels. These are the two major types of solar panels. Breaking down the words, you are able to distinguish the main difference between the two. Mono- meaning one, is a module … Read more

How to Maintain Solar Panels

Solar installer inspecting ground mounts.

A big question we get at Rooftop Solar is whether or not solar panels require much maintenance. With an investment such as solar, people want to make sure to take care of it properly to increase longevity in the lifetime of the solar panels. Read below to find out more about maintaining solar panels.    … Read more

Peak Sun Hours by State

Rooftop Solar installation in Phoenix, Arizona with Desert in background.

What is a Peak Sun Hour? “Do I get enough sun for solar?” is usually the first thought a homeowner has when wondering if solar will work well for them. The total amount of sun is a big factor, but a more important consideration is something called a ‘peak sun hour’. This metric is often … Read more

Do Solar Panels Work in the Snow?

snowy solar panels

Snow can be a major consideration for many solar customers in colder climates, both for homeowners looking into solar and for current customers. The good news is the snow has a minimal effect on the production of the system and is fully accounted for in the design phase. In fact, snow can be good for … Read more

A Bright Future For Solar

Solar installer inspecting ground mounts.

The world of solar has been greeted with some very bright news early this year, as we leave a year full of uncertainty. The current federal solar tax credit of 26% has been extended through the end of 2022. Additionally, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) voted to extend APS’ current RCP (buyback rate) through this … Read more

How to Choose a Solar Warranty

Rooftop Solar Installers at work

Just like other investments, one of the most important things to consider when looking into solar is how you are protected, and who is responsible if something goes wrong. Nobody wants to go through the process of a major home upgrade only to have a part fail, or worse, have damage done to their home. … Read more

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