Solar Buyback Decrease Looms as APS Deadline Approaches

Rooftop solar installation

Solar Buyback Decrease Looms as APS Deadline Approaches Buyback Decrease New solar-qualified homeowners in APS territory should expect to see a 10% decrease in the value of home solar energy as the Arizona Corporation Commission nears their annual APS buyback hearing.  However, homeowners this month are in a great position to be grandfathered at the … Read more

Are You Prepared for the Upcoming APS Rate Increase?

APS has proposed the largest rate increase in the last few decades.  The most common rate plans could see an increase of 13.6%.  Solar can help you alleviate the impact of the proposed increase and protect you from future increases in electricity cost.  The new rate change is expected to be approved by April of … Read more

Changes to Solar Savings in 2023

APS Deadline graphic

Update: Congress has passed the Inflation Reduction Act, extending the federal solar tax credit for the next 10 years back at the original rate of 30%. This is great news for the solar industry and will even apply to installations already completed this year. Next year, in 2023, there are a couple of changes coming … Read more

ACC Votes to Do Away With Solar Grid Access Fee

11.1 kW Rooftop Solar installation in Phoenix, Arizona with Silfab 360 watt modules.

ACC Votes to Do Away With Solar Grid Access Fee As a final result of their most recent rate case this month, the Arizona Corporation Commission has voted to do away with APS’ grid access fee for solar homeowners. The ACC is the governing body that oversees APS’ rates and overall finances. It is estimated … Read more

A Bright Future For Solar

Solar installer inspecting ground mounts.

The world of solar has been greeted with some very bright news early this year, as we leave a year full of uncertainty. The current federal solar tax credit of 26% has been extended through the end of 2022. Additionally, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) voted to extend APS’ current RCP (buyback rate) through this … Read more

The APS Rate Case: 6 Things You Should Know

Whether currently a solar customer or hoping to go solar in the future, if your energy provider is APS, you should be aware of their proposed changes to solar rates and rooftop solar compensation. APS has proposed a new solar compensation model to The Arizona Corporate Commission (ACC) that will go into effect July 1, 2017.  Here’s … Read more

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