The Historic Ice House in Flagstaff Goes Solar

Flagstaff Ice House solar panels

Constructed in 1946, the Historic Ice House played a crucial role in the economic development of Flagstaff, AZ. Originally built for the manufacturing of ice, the building has since hosted a grocery store and currently serves as an office building.

Why Should I Go Solar in the Spring?

4.3 kW system in Flagstaff Arizona featuring QCell and Enphase inverters.

#1: Beat the Summer Rush! Some homeowners put their solar pursuits on hold during the winter months because thinking about solar energy during the coldest, wettest, and cloudiest time of year isn’t the easiest thing. As a result, they don’t start thinking about solar again until longer days return. Every year we see a solar … Read more

Happy Jack Lodge & RV Resort Switches to Solar Energy

Located in the beautiful foothills of Central Arizona, Happy Jack Lodge & RV Resort has access to a great amount of sunlight. We worked with Happy Jack Lodge to put that sunlight to work through the installation of a 100,000 Watt solar array.

Comfort Inn Hotel Goes Solar

In Spring 2018, Rooftop Solar collaborated with Comfort Inn to develop a solar (photovoltaic) parking canopy tailored to the hotel’s unique energy needs and tax liability.

Flagstaff Collision Center Goes Solar

Commercial Solar installation on the roof of Flagstaff Collision Center

Rooftop Solar partnered with the Flagstaff Collision Center and their construction contractor, WesPac Construction, to harness the power of the sun by installing an 83.2 kW solar array at their new location in East Flagstaff. 

Project Spotlight: North Country Healthcare

SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Rooftop Solar installed 37,000 watts (37kW) of solar on parking canopies in North Country HealthCenter’s parking lot. ESTIMATED CO2 REDUCTION: 2,181,186 lbs. EQUIPMENT & FEATURES:  Yingli Modules, IronRidge Racking, Custom Steel Parking Canopies, Central Solar String Inverter, Grid Tied. In 2011, we took on North Country HealthCare, a community health center located on … Read more

Military Special: $1000 OFF

At Rooftop Solar, we understand the sacrifice that went into making this country great. Every day we come to work, we see and feel the benefits of the freedoms our service members fought for. To express our gratitude for all you have done for our country, Rooftop Solar would like to offer all active duty, … Read more

Go Solar Before the APS Rate Change

Hand holding soccor ball with earth printed on it

If you’re thinking about going solar in Arizona, time is of the essence! APS currently has a rate increase submitted to the Arizona Corporate Commission. These changes will dramatically impact APS customers who do not have solar already. APS is seeking an 8% rate hike on residential customers, inducing mandatory demand charges, and significantly reducing … Read more

Solar Financing: You’ve got options

rooftop Solar

There are a lot of many reasons to switch to solar energy – lowering your electricity bill, protecting yourself from rising energy costs, increasing your property value, and a great ROI are just a few. But with so many solar companies giving you different information, it can be hard to be sure that you’re getting … Read more

Going Solar: How to work with your HOA

If you own your home, you are most likely aware of whether or not you belong to an HOA, or Homeowners Association; an organization (usually non-profit) meant to maintain the attractiveness, upkeep, and value of residential communities. In order to do so, each community’s Homeowners Association has a set of bylaws and rules and regulations. When … Read more

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