Located in the beautiful foothills of Central Arizona, Happy Jack Lodge & RV Resort has access to a great amount of sunlight. We worked with Happy Jack Lodge to put that sunlight to work through the installation of a 100,000 Watt solar array. Using a creative design incorporating both the resort’s roof space and it’s land, we were able to create a solar array that offsets the majority of the lodge’s electricity needs.
By going solar, Happy Jack significantly reduced their tax liability within the first year of installation through the Solar Investment Tax Credit and accelerated depreciation. By taking advantage of the incentives available to them, the owners were able to convert energy and tax liabilities into an asset that powers their business – all while showing their customers and the lodging industry that they care about the environment. Shine on, Happy Jack Lodge!
Interested in the benefits of solar for your business or nonprofit commercial building? Schedule a free consultation with our Commercial Project Developer today and find out why so many businesses are switching to solar energy!