If you’re thinking about going solar in Arizona, time is of the essence!
APS currently has a rate increase submitted to the Arizona Corporate Commission. These changes will dramatically impact APS customers who do not have solar already. APS is seeking an 8% rate hike on residential customers, inducing mandatory demand charges, and significantly reducing the compensation given to solar customers.
Current solar customers receive a credit of $0.14 per kilowatt hour for providing electricity to the power grid. New solar customers would get just $0.03 per kilowatt hour, which is a 78% reduction, according to APS.
Here’s the good news!
APS will “Grandfather-in” all current solar homeowners and businesses AND all completed solar applications received by APS by July 1st, 2017. This means any household who decides to switch to solar before this date will be enrolled into the current plan, and will stay on that plan even after the rates change for the next 20 years! If you have ever considered going solar, now is the time to get your free estimate from Rooftop Solar.
Getting your free solar estimate is easy, simply follow these steps and a Rooftop Solar representative can begin working with you right away.
1. Find out your energy needs by getting your usage from APS.
• Go to www.aps.com and Login to your online APS Account.
(If you need help logging into APS.com, or to retrieve your usage by phone, call APS @ (800) 253-9450.)
• Scroll over “my energy” at the top of the page and click on “usage history.”
• Scroll to the middle of the page and click on “download usage data.”
• Save the page to your desktop to print or attach to any email.
2. Call us at (928) 213-5670 or fill out a quote form online to schedule a time where we can get together for your free solar consultation.
3. Email your electrical usage from APS to (info@rooftopsolar.us) or drop off a print out of your usage to us so we can begin to design your customized solar array. We will go over your options and any questions you may have during your consultation!